Title,Author / Editor,Year,Publisher,ISBN / ISSN,Format,Pages,Cover Artist,Notes

A Few Notes On the Culture,"Banks, Iain M.",????,,,,,,"Extracts in Mindmaps #1 Cobley, Mike (ed.), also available on Internet e.g. http://www.phlebas.com/text/cultnote.html , http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~sff-soc/Culture.html etc."

A Gift from the Culture (*),"Banks, Iain M.",1987,,,,,,
in Interzone No. 20,,,,2643596,,,,
also in Cyber-Killers,"Alexander, Rik (ed.)",1987,Orion/Millennium,752807838,hc,,,
and in Cyber-Killers,"Alexander, Rik (ed.)",1987,Orion/Millennium,752809806,tp,408pp,,

A Song of Stone,"Banks, Iain",1998,London : Abacus,349110115,pbk,,,
A Song of Stone,"Banks, Iain",1998,London : Abacus,349110549,pbk,,,
A Song of Stone,"Banks, Iain",1997,"London : Little, Brown and Company",316640166,hc,,,
A Song of Stone,"Banks, Iain",1997,"Little, Brown & Company",316641723,pbk,,,
A Song of Stone,"Banks, Iain",1999,Simon & Schuster Books,684855364,pbk,,,
A Song of Stone,"Banks, Iain",1998,Reed Consumer Books,1858496497,cass,,,
A Song of Stone,"Banks, Iain",1998,Argo,1858496543,????,,,

Against a Dark Background,"Banks, Iain M.",1993,London : Orbit,1857230310,hc,,Mark Salwowski,
Against a Dark Background,"Banks, Iain M.",1993,Bantam Spectra,55329225,pbk,,Paul Youll,
Against a Dark Background,"Banks, Iain M.",1993,TSP,#2386011,???,,,bookclub edition
Against a Dark Background,"Banks, Iain M.",1994,London : Orbit,1857231856,pbk,,Mark Salwowski,
Against a Dark Background,"Banks, Iain M.",1995,London : Orbit,1857231791,pbk,,,reprint

Against a Dark Background (epilogue),"Banks, Iain M.",1994,,,,,,"in A Mexicon Decade (Harris, Colin ed.) I believe this was the Souvenir Book from Mexicon 6 (see http://www.cooky.demon.co.uk/eu/mexico6.html) also The Culture (fanzine http://come.to/theculture) No. ?????"

Canal Dreams,"Banks, Iain",1989,London : Macmillan,333517687,hc,198pp,,
Canal Dreams,"Banks, Iain",1990,London : Abacus,034910171X,pbk,198pp,Leslie Howard,
Canal Dreams,"Banks, Iain",1991,Doubleday,385418140,hc,198pp,A. Bascove,

Cleaning Up (*),"Banks, Iain M.",1997,Birmingham; Birmingham Science Fiction Group,,,,,Novacon 17/10/1987

Complicity,"Banks, Iain",1993,"London : Little, Brown and Company",316906883,hc,,Peter Brown,
Complicity,"Banks, Iain",1994,London : Abacus,349105715,pbk,,Peter Brown,
Complicity,"Banks, Iain",1995,Doubleday,385475403,hc,299pp,Iroya kaji,
Complicity,"Banks, Iain",1996,Bantam,553573713,pbk,274pp,Tom Canty,

Consider Phlebas,"Banks, Iain M.",1987,London : Macmillan,333441389,hc,471pp,,
Consider Phlebas,"Banks, Iain M.",1988,London : Futura,708837077,pbk,471pp,,
Consider Phlebas,"Banks, Iain M.",1988,St Martin's,31201752,hc,471pp,,
Consider Phelbas,"Banks, Iain M.",1991,Bantam Spectra,553292811,pbk,497pp,Paul Youll,
Consider Phlebas,"Banks, Iain M.",1991,London : Orbit,1857231384,pbk,467pp,Mark Salwowski,

Debriefing (a poem),"Banks, Iain M.",1995,Birmingham Science Fiction Group,,,,,"in Overload Tudor, Martin (ed.) 1995 Birmingham Science Fiction Group NA ??? 31pp David A Hardy limited (500) other authors included are Brian Aldiss, Harry Harrison and Bob Shaw (Novacon 25 Guests of Honour)"

Descendant (*),"Banks, Iain M.",1987,,,,,,"in Tales from the Forbidden Planet Kaveney, Roz (ed.) 1987 Titan Books 1852860049 tp 256pp"

Espedair Street,"Banks, Iain",1987,London : Macmillan,333449169,hc,249pp,,
Espedair Street,"Banks, Iain",1988,London : Futura,708839975,pbk,249pp,,
Espedair Street,"Banks, Iain",1990,London : Abacus,349102147,pbk,,,

Excession,"Banks, Iain M.",1996,London : Orbit,1857233948,hc,455pp,Mark Salwowski,
Excession,"Banks, Iain M.",1997,Bantam Spectra,553374605,???,455pp,Paul Youll,
Excession,"Banks, Iain M.",1997,London : Orbit,185723457X,pbk,,Mark Salwowski,
Excession,"Banks, Iain M.",1997,SFBC,#15598,hc,390pp,Paul Youll,

Feersum Endjinn,"Banks, Iain M.",1994,London : Orbit,1857232356,hc,279pp,Mark Salwowski,
Feersum Endjinn,"Banks, Iain M.",1995,London : Orbit,1857232739,pbk,279pp,Mark Salwowski,
Feersum Endjinn,"Banks, Iain M.",1995,Bantam Spectra,553374591,tp,311pp,Michael Whelan,
Feersum Endjinn,"Banks, Iain M.",1996,Bantam Spectra,553573586,tp,311pp,Michael Whelan,

Forbiden Love,"Banks, Iain",1989,,,,,,in The Culture (fanzine) No. 4 (1998) ; originally written for Viz but not published by them.

Inversions,"Banks, Iain M.",1998,London : Orbit,1857236262,hc,,,
Inversions,"Banks, Iain M.",1998,London : Orbit,1857237633,pbk,,,
Inversions,"Banks, Iain M.",1999,London : Orbit,1857239067,pbk,,,

New (a poem),"Banks, Iain M.",1995,Birmingham Science Fiction Group,,,,,"in Overload Tudor, Martin (ed.) 1995 Birmingham Science Fiction Group NA ??? 31pp David A Hardy limited (500) other authors included are Brian Aldiss, Harry Harrison and Bob Shaw (Novacon 25 Guests of Honour)"

Odd Attachment (*),"Banks, Iain M.",1989,,,,,,"in Arrows of Eros Stewart, Alex (ed.) 1989 Dunton Green : New English Library 045050249X pbk 262pp and in The SF Collection Brosnan, Edel (ed.) 1994 Chancellor Press 1851523170 hc 501pp and in A Feast of Stories by Britain's Favourite Authors Francis, Cla"

Piece (*),"Banks, Iain M.",1989,,,,,,in Observer Magazine (13/08/1989)

Scratch (*),"Banks, Iain M.",1987,,,,,,"in Fiction Magazine vol. 6, No. 6 (Jul/Aug '87)"

The Bridge,"Banks, Iain",1986,London : Macmillian,333412850,hc,259pp,,
The Bridge,"Banks, Iain",1987,London : Pan (in association with Macmillian) ,03303075X,pbk,286pp,,
The Bridge,"Banks, Iain",1989,London : Futura,708883036,pbk,288pp,,
The Bridge,"Banks, Iain",1989,St. Martin's,312028814,hc,309pp,1st US,
The Bridge,"Banks, Iain",1990,Harper,61001082,pbk,441pp,Peter Gudynas,
The Bridge,"Banks, Iain",1990,London : Abacus,349102155,pbk,288pp,Peter Brown,
The Bridge,"Banks, Iain",1996,CodeX,189959857X,cass,,,
The Bridge,"Banks, Iain",1997,HarperPrism,61053589,???,245pp,John Ennis,
The Bridge,"Banks, Iain",1999,Cult Listening,185849771X,cass,NA,,Read by Peter Capaldi
The Bridge,"Banks, Iain",1999,Argo,1858497663,cass,,,

The Business,"Banks, Iain",1999,"London : Little, Brown and Company",316648442,hc,,,

The Crow Road,"Banks, Iain",1992,London : Scribners,356206521,hc,501pp,Peter Brown,
The Crow Road,"Banks, Iain",1993,London : Abacus,349103232,pbk,501pp,Peter Brown,
The Crow Road,"Banks, Iain",1993,London : Abacus,349109079,pbk,501pp,TV tie in cover,
The Crow Road,"Banks, Iain",1993,Chivers Audio Books,754000249,cass,NA,,Complete & Unabridged

The Player of Games,"Banks, Iain M.",1988,London : Macmillan,333471105,hc,309pp,,
The Player of Games,"Banks, Iain M.",1988,London : Macmillan,333471431,hc,309pp,,"limited edition (200), signed, casebound in cloth"
The Player of Games,"Banks, Iain M.",1989,St. Martin's,312026307,hc,309pp,,
The Player of Games,"Banks, Iain M.",1989,London : Futura,708883095,pbk,309pp,,
The Player of Games,"Banks, Iain M.",1990,Harper Paperbacks,61000981,pbk,399pp,Peter Gudynas,
The Player of Games,"Banks, Iain M.",1995,London : Orbit,1857231465,pbk,309pp,Mark Salwowski,
The Player of Games,"Banks, Iain M.",1997,HarperPrism,61053562,tp,295pp,John Ennis,

The Road of Skulls (*),"Banks, Iain M.",1988,,,,,,in 20 under 35 Peter Straus (ed.) 1988 Sceptre 340486376 pbk 336pp

The State of the Art (novella) (*),"Banks, Iain M.",1989,"Willimantic, Conn. : Ziesing",929480066,hc,???,Arnie Fenner,also available in a limited edition (400) signed by IMB and Fenner
The State of the Art,"Banks, Iain M.",????,AK Distribution Retail Press,929480074,hc,,,
The State of the Art (collection - of stories marked with an *),"Banks, Iain M.",1991,London : Orbit,356196690,,,,
The State of the Art (collection),"Banks, Iain M.",1993,London : Orbit,1857230302,pbk,,,

The Wasp Factory,"Banks, Iain",1984,London : Macmillian,333363809,,,,
The Wasp Factory,"Banks, Iain",1985,London : Futura,708825362,,,,
The Wasp Factory,"Banks, Iain",1990,London : Abacus,349101779,pbk,,,
The Wasp Factory,"Banks, Iain",1990,Warner,708837611,pbk,,,
The Wasp Factory,"Banks, Iain",1997,BBC,563381698,cass,,,
The Wasp Factory,"Banks, Iain",1998,Argo,185849639X,cass,,,
The Wasp Factory,"Banks, Iain",1998,Argo,1858496446,???,,,

Under Ice (extract from Complicity),"Banks, Iain",1993,,,,,,"in Granta Magazine No. 43 ""Best of Young British Novelists 2"" Spring 1993 London : Granta 014014059X pbk 320pp (see http://granta.nybooks.com/extracts/contents_43.html)"

Use of Weapons,"Banks, Iain M.",1990,London : Orbit,708883583,,,,
Use of Weapons,"Banks, Iain M.",????,????,708883508,,,,
Use of Weapons,"Banks, Iain M.",1992,London : Orbit,185723135X,pbk,,,

Walking on Glass,"Banks, Iain",1985,London : Macmillian,333379861,hc,,,
Walking on Glass,"Banks, Iain",1986,London : Futura,708827748,,,,
Walking on Glass,"Banks, Iain",1990,London : Abacus,349101787,pbk,,,
Walking on Glass,"Banks, Iain",1998,Argo,1858497558,cass,NA,,
Walking on Glass,"Banks, Iain",1998,Argo,1858497604,CD,NA,,

"Whit, or Isis Amongst the Unsaved","Banks, Iain",1995,"London : Little, Brown and Company",316914363,hc,,,
"Whit, or Isis Amongst the Unsaved","Banks, Iain",1996,London : Abacus,349107688,pbk,,,
"Whit, or Isis Amongst the Unsaved","Banks, Iain",,London : Abacus,034910848X,pbk,,,never published?
"Whit, or Isis Amongst the Unsaved","Banks, Iain",1999,Argo,1858497728,cass,,,
"Whit, or Isis Amongst the Unsaved","Banks, Iain",1999,Argo,1858497779,CD,,,


Introductions for
The Adventures of Luther Arkwright: Book 3,"Talbot, Bryan",1989,Propaganda Comics,,,,,

The Orbit Science Fiction Yearbook Three,"Garnett, David S. (ed.)",1990,London : Orbit ,70888337,,,,(see http://www.sff.net/locus/t189.html#A16262 for details)

Viriconium,"Harrison, M. John",1988,Unwin,44402457,pbk,276pp,,Omnibus of In Viriconium and Viriconium Nights (see http://www.sff.net/locus/t116.html#A10192)

Entry in,,,,,,
The Edinburgh Pub Guide,"Bethell, James (ed.)",1989,Edinburgh : Polygon,748660534,pbk,106pp


COPAC: http:\\copac.ac.uk\copac
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Book and Magazine Collector no. 148 July 1996
The Culture (fanzine #4) http://come.to/theculture
Locus: http://www.sff.net/locus/0start.html

Produced by David Haddock
Please note this is a work in progress and may contain errors and/or ommissions
Please send any corrections / additions to david_haddock@yahoo.com